Apply Now: YLD Microgrant Program
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In these unprecedented times, the YLD Microgrant Program* is an outstanding opportunity to create community in a safe and innovative way.
Apply now for the next round of the YLD Microgrant Program. Create, plan, and host experiences for Jewish Clevelanders (ages 22-45) that deepen their connection to our community. You can apply for up to $1,000 to support a project that connects young adults to Jewish Cleveland through educational, social, cultural experiences, and more!
Groups and individuals are encouraged to think outside the box and apply for funding to support their ideas.
*A YLD Microgrant is pre-approved funding for a program or project in the Cleveland Jewish Community geared towards young adults, ages 22-45. Young professional groups or individuals will be reimbursed for expenses (up to the agreed upon amount) after completion of their project.
Summer 2020 Microgrant Program Applications are now open. Applications are due by Wednesday, July 15, 2020.
For more information, contact Leah Markowicz at lmarkowicz@jcfcleve.org or 216-593-2905.
Please download the PDF locally before filling out the application. Required fields are outlined in red.
Program Overview:
- Projects must deepen young adults’ connection to the Cleveland Jewish community.
- Funds will only be provided for projects whose programmatic purposes are compatible with the values of the Jewish Federation of Cleveland. The Jewish Federation of Cleveland reserves the right to make all final decisions, in conjunction with the Young Leadership Division.
- Funds cannot be used for a fundraising event (i.e., no donations may be solicited at the event).
- The YLD Microgrant Program must be acknowledged on marketing materials (e.g. “This program is supported in part by a Jewish Federation of Cleveland Young Leadership Division Microgrant”). The Jewish Federation of Cleveland’s logo must also be included and will be provided by the Jewish Federation of Cleveland. YLD may also choose to help promote the event on social media.
- If any funds are granted to be used for an event, at least one Federation staff can attend free of charge (and depending on the nature and size of the event, Federation may request additional staff attendance, but no more than 4 total).
- As a condition to receiving funds, applicants agree that after your event, program, or initiative, you will provide Federation with a list of attendees to enable Federation to track the impact and reach of the Microgrant Program.
Review Process:
The Jewish Federation of Cleveland Young Leadership Division Microgrant Program will provide funds to Jewish Young Professional groups and individuals for projects that meet the following guidelines:
- Project is aligned with the values of the Jewish Federation of Cleveland
- Project contributes to a thriving, vibrant, young Jewish Cleveland community and deepens young adults’ connection to the Cleveland Jewish community
- The organization or individual’s capacity and commitment to manage the proposed program
- The financial efficacy and/or viability of the proposed budget
- The target audience of the program/initiative is primarily young adults (22-45)
- Strategy and goals for engaging young adults seems well thought-out
- Project contains marketing plan for recruitment and follow-up plan to engage participants and assess program effectiveness
- Project encourages collaboration among Jewish organizations
- Project brings different segments/groups of the Jewish community together
Microgrant Information:
- An applicant can apply for up to $1,000 per calendar year to use towards their project.
- The $1,000 per calendar year limit may be split across the 2 funding cycles.
- Collaboration is encouraged. Multiple applicants (or young professional groups) may apply to use funding towards the same project, but any one project is only eligible for up to $1,500 in funding. In a situation where one applicant (or young professional group) collaborates with another, the $1,000 per person (or young professional group) per year limit still applies.
Application Process and Recipient Expectations:
When reviewing applications, YLD’s foremost considerations include, but are not limited to:
- Applicants must complete an online application outlining their project and budget.
- Two rounds of funding will be available each year: application deadline is July 15, 2020 for this round.
- Applicants will be notified as to whether and to what extent they received any funds for their project within 30 days after application deadline.
- Summer 2020 Microgrant Recipients must utilize their funding by December 30, 2020. Funding extensions are available upon request and approval. Please email lmarkowicz@jcfcleve.org.
- All applicants will be contacted by a member of the YLD Board or a YLD professional to review their application.
- All Microgrant recipients will be required to complete a short evaluation about the outcomes of their program/initiative after their event.
- Microgrant recipients may be asked to write a blog or participate in a video for Federation Marketing purposes that describes what the Microgrant enabled the applicant or the applicant’s organization to do and how the project benefitted from the Microgrant.
- Prior to disbursement of funds, proof of purchase totaling the amount of the Microgrant will need to be submitted.