Big Event Engages Young Adults
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YLD Big Event Engages Young Adults in Fundraising
Article reprinted with permission from Cleveland Jewish News.

Nadav Wilf
By Amanda Koehn
The Young Leadership Division of the Jewish Federation of Cleveland will host its “Big Event” at 8:30 p.m. Nov. 19 at The Westin Cleveland Downtown, where Jewish adults in their 20s, 30s and 40s are invited to eat, drink and enjoy the company of peers.
The Big Event is the YLD’s largest fundraiser for the 2017 Campaign for Jewish Needs.
“We have built on our successes from past years and have planned an event that will be a great evening for young Jewish Cleveland,” said event co-chair Adam Hirsh in a press release.
An open bar and hors d’oeuvres begin at 8:30 p.m., followed by a presentation by Clevelander Michelle Hirsch and keynote speech by Nadav Wilf.
Hirsch, 34, will speak about why it is important for her to be involved with the Federation. She became engaged with the Federation as a young adult because she said she realized all that the Federation does for those with special needs, which resonated with her since she was close to her uncle who was on the autism-spectrum.
“I am going to tell my story and why I choose the Federation to be my No. 1 charitable donation,” said Hirsch, who is a senior vice president of Brunswick Cos. in Fairlawn. “It’s about people who don’t have anyone else to help them thrive.”
Wilf, 34, who at 27 had built and sold two companies, decided to invest his time and money into developing companies focused on spiritual fulfillment. Although his first company attempting to do so, Enlightened.org, failed, Wilf founded Lifestyle Perfected and now helps clients develop passion and balance in life.
“I’m following my heart and what feels good, and what feels good is making money by focusing on impacting people’s lives in various ways. It’s taken some time to shift my belief systems, and those of others, to know we can make a lot of money by spreading love and contributing to others,” Wilf said in an email.
Wilf speaks at events regularly and has participated in TED Talks. For the Big Event, he will discuss his challenges and what he learned so far.
“I’m going to share the challenges I’ve been through and the goals I’ve achieved that have taught me what’s really important: feeling good, loving ourselves and others, having fun, following our hearts and our passions,” Wilf said.
An after-party will follow with music by Rock the House Live!, a dessert lounge, Tel Aviv-style nightclub and aninteractive graffiti photo booth. Cocktail attire is required, dietary laws observed. Donors who commit at least $1,000 can attend a private reception before the event.
Federation’s Young Leadership Division’s “Big Event”
WHERE: The Westin Cleveland Downtown, 777 St. Clair Ave. NE, Cleveland
WHEN: 8:30 p.m. Nov. 19
WHO: Presentation by Michelle Hirsch and keynote address by Nadav Wilf
INFO: $65 to preregister, $80 doors. RSVP by Nov. 14. at www.jewishcleveland.org.