Call for Entries: 2022 Creative Arts Contest
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Calling all Middle and High School Students: Enter your essays and artwork for the 2022 Yom Hashoah V’Hagvurah Creative Arts Contest, Cleveland’s Commemoration of the Holocaust & Heroism.
Students are invited to explore such topics as:
- How is the theme of resistance during the Holocaust relevant to today’s society?
- What does it mean to resist?
Be creative.
Outside of physical resistance, think of the different ways one can resist, such as spiritually, intellectually, through everyday actions, engaging, volunteering, organizing, and making your voice heard!
Deadline for entries is March 31, 2022.
Cash prizes up to $2,500 may be awarded.
Winners and their schools will be recognized at the Yom Hashoah V’Hagvurah commemoration on April 27.
For more information, contact Aviva Roland at aroland@jcfcleve.org or 216-593-2926 or Marianne Lax at mlax@kifcle.org.
Rules and Guidelines are available here.
The Yom Hashoah Creative Arts Contest and the annual Yom Hashoah Commemoration are sponsored by the Kol Israel Foundation and the Jewish Federation of Cleveland.