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To our Cleveland Friends and Family:
Like all of you, we were horrified and deeply saddened by the killings in Paris. Our hearts go out to the families of all the victims. And our Federation is joining in an international effort led by the Jewish Agency to express solidarity with our family in France and to provide some tangible assistance in this time of crisis.
It was no coincidence that the terror cell that attacked Charlie Hebdo also attacked the Jewish community. The fundamentalist Islamic intolerance that led to the cold-blooded murders of the journalists is also reflective of their attitude toward Jews. Thus the entire French Jewish community is on edge. French authorities have deployed armed guards to the hundreds of French Jewish schools and institutions. This is a short term solution to the security threat. In the long run the French Jewish community is planning for a more permanent approach with personnel and equipment. This is a community that normally is self-sufficient. But in the current circumstance, world Jewry is reaching out to help them shoulder this initial burden of tens of millions of dollars.
The Jewish Federation of Cleveland has opened a French Terror and Security Fund. We have jump started it with a grant from Federation of $75,000. We invite concerned people in the community to join us with donations and letters of support to the French Jewish community.
Funds will also be raised to help the families of all the victims.
Please help us to stand with our brothers and sisters in France.
Reneé Chelm, Board Chair
Stephen H. Hoffman, President