Hero of Chesed: Molly Rosenberg
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The Jewish Federation of Cleveland recognizes and thanks frontline workers at our beneficiary agencies.
Meet "Hero of Chesed" Molly Rosenberg, office manager at Gross Schechter Day School. Molly is the face of the main office and is a source of information for teachers, parents and visitors.

Q: Why did you choose your current position?
A: ? I've been working at Schechter for about six years now. I liked the idea of working at the same place I went to school for grades PS-8. I love kids and thought it would be a great fit. It's been awesome working with former teachers of mine and watching the kids grow throughout their Schechter education.
Q: What do you love most about working with students?
A: I love that every day is different with the students. I'm lucky in my position to be able to interact with students in all grade levels on a daily basis. The students have so much to say and they have so many questions to ask – they definitely keep me on my toes!
Q: How has your typical day changed since the COVID-19 outbreak?
A: My typical day has changed quite a bit. I'm not physically in the building as much, and when I am it's obviously much quieter. I used to think I liked the quiet, but now I wish for the noise.
Q: What are the biggest challenges that your students are facing during the COVID-19 pandemic?
A: In my opinion, along with the challenges everyone is facing with the process of electronic distance learning, a big challenge for both staff and students and their families is not having that face-to-face social interaction. A huge aspect of the Schechter experience is our community and the feeling of warmth and togetherness – to not physically have that in person is difficult. I think back to when we held our drive-thru Yom Ha'atzmaut parade in the parking lot. I knew I'd be emotional and that I'd cry, but seeing the staff and the families getting emotional and seeing some parents tearing up as they drove past made me realize just how much of a connection we all have to each other and reinforced how important and special our community is.
Q: Where do you gain your strength in times like these and what do you do to recharge?
A: I'm lucky to have most of my family and friends close by and be able to spend time with them at a safe distance. For those who are not close by, I am able to regularly communicate with them on FaceTime and Zoom. I try not to dwell on the negatives that COVID has brought, rather I'm trying to think about the positives. I remind myself how lucky I am to have what I have – family, friends, career, and it puts everything in perspective.