
A Message from Jennifer Korach

Tags: Women, Blog

A Message from Jennifer Korach

When I reflect back on my earliest childhood memories, I ALWAYS remember feeling extremely proud of my Jewish heritage and identity. I derive immense pleasure celebrating the rituals and life cycle events of our faith and relish in preparing a holiday meal for a houseful of family and friends. To my husband Randy and me, raising our two children (Natalie, age 16 and Quinn, age 12) with strong Jewish values is the most important endeavor we have undertaken as parents. Yet, for both of us, Judaism is not something that happens exclusively in the confines of our home or synagogue. Being a part of a global Jewish community has compelled us both to engage in Jewish philanthropy and acts of chesed (acts of kindness), and more importantly pass the importance of giving to others onto our children. “Kol Yisrael arevim zeh la-zeh.” ALL Jews (or all the people of Israel) are responsible for one another.

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YLD Names New Chair, Vice Chair

Tags: Federation, Young Adults, PR

YLD Names New Chair, Vice Chair

CLEVELAND – The Jewish Federation of Cleveland’s Young Leadership Division (YLD) announces the appointment of Rachel Weinberg as Board Chair, Barry Guttman as Vice Chair, and 11 new members to join its board.

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Groups Shifting Into GEAR

Tags: Federation, Overseas, Israel, PR

Groups Shifting Into GEAR

The success of community development initiatives has long been measured at the end of a program, through outcomes and statistics. But a new tool being piloted in five Cleveland neighborhoods looks to evaluate progress along the way.

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Mandel JDS Adopts New Curriculum

Tags: Federation, Education, Mandel JDS, Partner

Mandel JDS Adopts New Curriculum

The Joseph and Florence Mandel Jewish Day School (Mandel JDS) has recently adopted an alternative, innovative curriculum for use in Language Arts and Social Studies classrooms. The curriculum was developed by Facing History and Ourselves, an organization whose mission is to shape a humane, well-educated citizenry that practices civility and preserves human rights.

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Q&A with Rabbi Melinda Mersack

Tags: Planned Giving, Charitable Giving, Family, Interfaith

Q&A with Rabbi Melinda Mersack

According to our population study, 38% of Jewish Cleveland married households are interfaith and the majority of those who consider themselves interfaith want to feel connected to their Jewish roots. That’s why we partnered with the Jewish Education Center of Cleveland (JECC) to launch jHub, an innovative new program made possible with a grant from the Federation’s Endowment Fund.

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A Look at Multi-Generational Giving

Tags: Planned Giving, Charitable Giving, Family

A Look at Multi-Generational Giving

Many Jewish Cleveland families are seeking ways to engage in multi-generational philanthropy. We asked Ann Garson, Managing Director of Funds and Foundations at the Jewish Federation of Cleveland to explain the recent surge of interest.

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My Federation Story: Together, We Can

Tags: Women, Federation, Blog, Israel, Overseas, Leadership

My Federation Story: Together, We Can

One of my first memorable Federation experiences was when I went on a young adult mission to Israel 11 years ago. I’d never been to Israel. I was hesitant to leave my children but something in me said “just go, it will be worth it.” And, it was! Israel was simply beautiful. It moved me.

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Women's Campaign Raises Over $3.7M

Tags: Women

Women's Campaign Raises Over $3.7M

Your voice, our voice, has made the difference! The Women’s Campaign of the Jewish Federation of Cleveland raised over $3.7 million in the 2016 Campaign for Jewish Needs. Under the inspiring leadership of Co-Chairs, Susan Borison and Jennifer Korach, 547 Jewish Cleveland women worked together to achieve a 15% increase over last year. They united with other dedicated volunteers and donors to raise nearly $31 million from over 11,000 community members to help change and save lives in Cleveland, Israel, and 70 countries around the globe.

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My #JewishCleveland: Andrew Zelman

Tags: Federation, Blog, Young Adult, Israel, Overseas

My #JewishCleveland: Andrew Zelman

Sometimes, you just need to leave your city to understand the place it occupies in your heart.

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Meet Renowned Pollster on D.C. Mission

Tags: Federation, PR, Advocacy

Meet Renowned Pollster on D.C. Mission

CLEVELAND – Peter D. Hart, renowned pollster and noted analyst, will join delegates from the Jewish Federation of Cleveland’s Mission to Washington, D.C. for an exclusive dinner on April 18, 2016. Hart will kick off the annual Mission with “2016 Elections: Trends and Implications.”

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