Jewish Cleveland Families Share their Best Bedtime Rituals
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Whether you love it or dread it, each family has their own unique bedtime routine for their children. Check out some of these ideas and tips from local Jewish Cleveland parents that are sure to make you smile:
"We do the bath, book, bed method. Then before bed I open the curtains and we say good night to the trees, our neighbors and the neighborhood, all of our family members, and a lot of times Edie throws in Elsa as well. Once we say good night and sweet dreams to the world it’s into bed she goes!" - Anne M.
"Bedtime is pretty much the only time I ever get really frustrated with my kids. They stall every chance they get. They are also really sweet though cause it’s when I get to hear 'I love you mommy'. That makes it worth it". -Erin O
"After the chaos of dinner, bath time and brushing teeth, we try to make our bedtime routine calm and filled with love. We always read a story together, sing shema and give hugs and kisses. It's so sweet to see the girls give each other a kiss goodnight, it's definitely their favorite part and usually they erupt in laughter, which is hysterical and heartwarming all at the same time!" –Kate M.
"After some fun playtime, we start bathtime and play with bath toys and dance to music- usually Sesame Street or Raffi. After changing into PJs and lotioning up, we read a few stories- All The Ways I Love You, Can You Hear a Coo Coo and Thanks for Today (both PJ Library!) are some favorites. Then it's bottle and some kisses and time for bed!" – Erica H.
"We have been giving our kids a bath every night before bed since they were about 6 weeks old (They're 3.5 and 2 now). What started as a way to relax them and turn them into bedtime thinking, has turned into fun family time for all of us." - Samantha L.
"Bath, book, song ... most nights! ;)" - Jacki B.
"With the books we receive from PJ Library, we are able to relate the things our girls learn in school to the projects and books we receive in the mail. The PJ Library books are a great way to support Jewish learning at home - in a fun way. They are also just the right length for a story at bedtime." -Kerry K.
"We love nights when we have a little longer for bedtime. We give the girls a bath and take turns reading them lots of books. Then we end with 'happy thoughts' like rainbows, butterflies and cupcakes which my daughter says helps her from having scary dreams." - Beth L.
For more information on PJ Library and the Young Families department, please contact Leah Taylor at ltaylor@jcfcleve.org or 216-593-2853.
In partnership with the Jewish Federation of Cleveland and the Harold Grinspoon Foundation, PJ Library® in Cleveland is generously funded by Mort (of blessed memory) and Iris November in celebration of Debra Ann November's life.