Jewish Federation Invites Community to Volunteer at All-Virtual "Super Sunday" on 10/18
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Special gift for first 250 volunteers who register by October 12
The Jewish Federation of Cleveland will host its annual “Super Sunday” event – Jewish Cleveland’s single largest one-day give-a-thon of the year – on Sunday, October 18 from 9:00 am until 5:00 pm. For the first time ever, this event will be completely virtual so community members will be able to volunteer from the comfort of their own home. Funds raised will benefit the 2021 Campaign for Jewish Needs, which provides critical dollars needed to change and improve lives in Cleveland and around the world.
“Super Sunday is a great example of what makes Cleveland one of the most vibrant and caring Jewish communities in the world,” said Noam Magence, Super Sunday co-chair. “Each year, our diverse community comes together on this day to help make life in Jewish Cleveland better today and even stronger tomorrow. While we can’t physically be in the same room this year, we have put together a special, all-virtual event that will foster the same energy and excitement for all volunteers throughout the day with special programming and contests for all ages, plus a few special surprises!”
Noam co-chairs this event with his wife, Tovah, Nomi and Eli Daitchman, Mariely Luengo, and Rachel and Ken Weinberg.
The first 250 volunteers to sign up for Super Sunday by October 12 will receive a special gift before the event. Virtual volunteers will raise funds through phone calls, email, texting, and social media. Prizes will also be awarded throughout the day to volunteers.
Super Sunday sponsors are KeyBank, Pierre’s Premium Ice Cream, Benesch Law, and the Cleveland Jewish News.
To register to volunteer and view a schedule of events, visit www.jewishcleveland.org, email supersunday@jcfcleve.org or call 216-593-2909.