Lion of Judah Endowment
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There are many ways to create a LOJE
Whatever your estate planning and tax objectives may be, a LOJE can easily be designed to match your family and financial circumstances - with great benefit to you and our community.
Your attorney or financial advisor can advise you on the best endowment vehicle for you. In the meantime, here are four of the most popular ways through through which you can achieve your philanthropy goals:
- A Current Gift, which creates your LOJE during your lifetime may be made with cash, securities, or other assets.
- A Bequest can be made by naming the Jewish Federation of Cleveland as a beneficiary of your will or trust.
- A Retirement Fund is one of the best tools to create an endowment by naming the Jewish Federation of Cleveland as the beneficiary of all or part of the fund.
- A Life Insurance Policy may be an advantageous way to fund a LOJE, particularly for younger women. This type of gift may be made with either a new or existing policy.