Rabbi Mersack Selected for Rabbis Without Borders Program
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Article reprinted with permission from Cleveland Jewish News.

Rabbi Melinda Mersack, director of jHUB, which connects interfaith families to Jewish life in Greater Cleveland, has been chosen to participate in the Rabbis Without Borders program.
Mersack has led jHUB , a joint initiative of the Jewish Federation of Cleveland and the Jewish Education Center of Cleveland, since its inception in May 2014. The need for this new initiative came out of the strategic planning process of the Federation and the work of its engagement task force.
jHUB created the popular Seder in a Box and Hanukkah in a Box initiatives that provided more than 500 families the tools to celebrate Passover and Chanukah in their own homes.
This is the sixth class selected for RWB, an initiative of the National Jewish Center for Learning and Leadership that helps rabbis make Jewish thought and practice more available for improving people’s lives. RWB encourages rabbis to think creatively about their work and the new American religious landscape.
For more information about jHUB, contact Mersack at 216-371-0446, ext. 232 or mmersack@jecc.org.
For more information about RWB, contact Rabbi Rebecca W. Sirbu, director of Rabbis Without Borders , at 212-779-3300, ext. 122, or rsirbu@clal.org.