Reflecting on Last Week
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During this week’s Shabbat, we reflected on the events of the past week. We feel it is important to share some additional thoughts with you and ask for your help.
First, as Jews, we have witnessed time and time again throughout history the desecration of our sacred religious spaces. What occurred last week when our country’s most sacred secular space was desecrated is no less horrific. The rage and violence that engulfed the Capitol building was a frontal attack on the civil and democratic society we sought when our people began to immigrate to this country.
Furthermore, we cannot allow any incendiary, hate-fueled actions and rhetoric of any kind to go unchallenged. Last week’s violent attack was just the latest example of the devastating results when anti-Semitism, racism, and all forms of hatred are allowed to become normalized.
Thankfully, through all the chaos, democracy did ultimately prevail. Regardless of your political party affiliation, it was hard not to be moved by the dedication of our elected officials to complete their sworn duties.
So, as we look ahead to the weeks and months to come, we ask that you remember – and remind others – that:
- Words and actions matter – and directly affect the health of our nation’s democracy. We must resist inflammatory rhetoric coming from either side in order to protect and preserve the basic fabric of our society for the generations that follow.
- Our strength comes from working together. We cannot allow external forces to distract us from our common values or divide our Jewish community into separate factions.
- An attack on any community is an attack on all communities – and hate has no home in our country or in any civil society.
For decades, the Federation staff and community leaders have met on Capitol Hill with elected officials across party lines to serve our diverse Jewish community. We are committed to continuing this critical work and look forward to helping our country deliver on its promise of opportunity in any way we can.

J. David Heller
Board Chair

Erika B. Rudin-Luria