Rev. Moss to Receive 2016 Eisenman Award
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The Jewish Federation of Cleveland will continue a 90+ year tradition and recognize the recipient of the distinguished Charles Eisenman Award for exceptional civic contributions: Rev. Dr. Otis Moss Jr. The Federation will honor Rev. Moss and celebrate the strength of a community and the power of a people at the 112th Annual Meeting on Tuesday, April 12 at 7:30 p.m. at Park Synagogue, 3300 Mayfield Road, Cleveland Heights. All are welcome to attend this free event.
As one of the most influential leaders living in America today, Rev. Moss has fought tirelessly for the equality, civil and human rights of the people of Cleveland and the nation.
“Rev. Moss is a living legend. He has been at the forefront of positive change and we are proud to honor him with the Charles Eisenman Award, the highest civic honor of the Federation, for his lifetime of service and achievements,” said Federation Board Chair, Reneé Chelm.
Since the Civil Rights movement, Rev. Moss has spent his life advocating for civil rights and equality alongside the likes of Martin Luther King Jr. In fact, under Rev. Moss’ leadership of thirty-three years, the Olivet Institutional Baptist Church in Cleveland grew to become the largest African-American church in Ohio. He has also extended a hand to other minority communities, including the Jewish community.
Rev. Moss has been a lifelong friend of the Jewish community, and stood by the Federation in the Soviet Jewry movement in the 1980s. In 1994, he was a special guest of Former President Bill Clinton at the Peace Treaty signing between Israel and Jordan. More recently, as an active member and trustee at the Maltz Museum of Jewish Heritage, Rev. Moss has been instrumental in guiding the important work of the museum.
His work promoting peace and equality among all communities has taken him to several nations, including Brazil, Japan, West Africa, and Israel. He is a life member of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), and presently serves on President Obama’s White House Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnership Council.
Rev. Moss holds a master’s degree in Divinity from Morehouse College, and a doctoral degree in ministry from the United Theological Seminary in Atlanta. In addition, he has been bestowed six honorary degrees from colleges and universities across the country. He resides in Bratenahl with his wife Edwina Hudson Moss and he is the father of two boys and a girl (deceased). Together, they are the proud grandparents of five grandchildren and one great-granddaughter.
In addition to the presentation of the Charles Eisenman Award, the Annual Meeting will recognize the accomplishments of the Federation’s outgoing Board Chair, Reneé Chelm. The program also includes the election of Federation trustees. For more information or to RSVP, please visit www.jewishcleveland.org, email infomgr@jcfcleve.org or call 216-593-2900 x740.