Message from the Women’s Philanthropy Initiative (WPI) Chair, Nan Cohen
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Hello from WPI,
I remember my first day of work after college vividly. My manager sat me down for an introductory chat and stated flatly, “if it’s going well, don’t screw it up.” I am so fortunate that my predecessor, Beth Wain Brandon, created a legacy that is not only going well; it is going gangbusters. WPI is more vibrant today and more relevant to our community. Thank you, Beth, for being an impactful WPI Chair.
As you know, we never really say goodbye. Beth and Sandy Wuliger are co-chairs of our Women’s Mission to Israel. Mark your calendars for January 25 as we begin a journey through Israel that will be like no other. This is a Mission for interesting and fun women; some will be professionals like me, some will be retired, and some will have chosen not to work. We will all have one thing in common; we believe in the power we have as individuals and as a collective to learn, grow, and inspire change.
Individual effort for collective good is also the theme of our Lion of Judah Dinner. This year’s keynote speaker is Jeannie Smith, who will share the story of her mother, Irene Gut OpDyke. As a righteous gentile, Irene lived her values daily at great expense to herself. Her message is that each of us has the ability to create change and improve a life, our community, and the world. I highly recommend reading Irene’s book, "In My Hands: Memories of a Holocaust Rescuer."
I am told that I should share with you my vision for my term as WPI Chair. Instead, I would prefer to give you my contact information:
Nan Cohen
Creekside Financial Advisors
30195 Chagrin Blvd, Suite 208W
Pepper Pike, OH 44124
Phone: 216-342-3381
Send me an email, drop me a line, or call for a lunch or coffee date. Let me hear your thoughts. How would you like to be connected? Planning is my profession and passion. All great plans come from listening before acting. Please do me the honor of having the chance to listen to you first. Together, we will continue the great plans in place from all of our predecessors and forge new paths when warranted.
Shana Tova,