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WATCH: Yom Hazikaron Virtual Ceremony

Tags: Federation, CRC, Advocacy, holiday, Holidays, Israel, Israel & Overseas, Overseas, Live

WATCH: Yom Hazikaron Virtual Ceremony

We virtually honored those who lost their lives protecting the State of Israel and civilian victims of terror for Yom Hazikaron, Israel’s Memorial Day.

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Northeast Ohioans Remember Fallen Soldiers, Israel’s Wars

Tags: Federation, Blogs, Advocacy, Israel, Overseas

Northeast Ohioans Remember Fallen Soldiers, Israel’s Wars

Israel’s fallen soldiers and victims of Israel’s wars were remembered in a somber virtual Jewish Federation of Cleveland’s Yom Hazikaron commemoration April 27 that featured the lighting of candles, songs and prayers and speeches.

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“Farewell. I Lived Among You, As a Wildflower”

Tags: Federation, Israel, Overseas, Advocacy

“Farewell. I Lived Among You, As a Wildflower”

Li-or Gersht, our community shlicha (Israeli emissary), shares a personal reflection on what Yom Hazikaron (Israel's Memorial Day) means to her.

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Virtual Ceremony Recalls Horrors, Heroism of Holocaust

Tags: Federation, Blogs, Advocacy

Virtual Ceremony Recalls Horrors, Heroism of Holocaust

Resilience and survival were themes of Yom Hashoah V’hagvurah, Cleveland’s commemoration of the Holocaust and Heroism on April 20.

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Watch: Yom Hashoah V'Hagvurah Commemoration

Tags: Federation, Live, Arts and culture, Arts. Federation, CRC, Advocacy

Watch: Yom Hashoah V'Hagvurah Commemoration

Our community held a program for Yom Hashoah V’Hagvurah, a virtual commemoration of the Holocaust and heroism.

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Chinese Community Donates Thousands of Masks to Area Hospitals, Organizations

Tags: Federation, Blogs, Advocacy

Chinese Community Donates Thousands of Masks to Area Hospitals, Organizations

Workers at Montefiore in Beachwood and Bellefaire JCB in Shaker Heights will be the recipients of 1,000 masks each on April 16 as volunteers in the Greater Cleveland Chinese community raised funds to purchase medical masks

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Cleveland Students Creating the Art of Yom Hashoah

Tags: Federation, Arts, CRC, crc history, Holidays, Advocacy

Cleveland Students Creating the Art of Yom Hashoah

Students Middle and High School in Cleveland created original poems as well as visual arts pieces for the Yom Hashoah Creative Arts Contest

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Far From Russia, A Place To Be Comfortably Russian

Tags: Federation, Blogs, Russia, Russian, Women, Volunteer, Publications, Advocacy, Education, Overseas

Far From Russia, A Place To Be Comfortably Russian

Irina Parkman emigrated Russia and came to Cleveland in order to escape persecution. She is able to still be connected to her Russian heritage through a partnership with the Cleveland Public Library.

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73rd Annual Meeting of the Community Relations Committee

Tags: Federation, CRC, College, Advocacy, Education, Leadership

The Jewish Federation of Cleveland will host a panel discussion on civility and discourse on college campuses at the 73rd Annual Meeting of the Federation’s Community Relations Committee (CRC) and Sidney Z. Vincent Memorial Lecture.

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New Yorkers Greet Clevelanders with Warm Welcome at 'No Hate. No Fear.' March

Tags: Federation, PR, Advocacy

New Yorkers Greet Clevelanders with Warm Welcome at 'No Hate. No Fear.' March

NEW YORK CITY – More than 100 Clevelanders were welcomed with shouts of joy and astonishment as they marched through Manhattan, joining more than 25,000 people in a “No Hate. No Fear.” march on Jan. 5.

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