Tags: Food, Young Adults, Federation, Blog
So there I was, uncomfortably staring down a plate of cheez-it dusted tostadas with a garlic spinach remoulade and spicy mustard emulsion. Grandma’s brisket and matzah ball soup this was not.
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Tags: Food, Holidays, Women, Teens, Family, Young Adults, Federation
Shavuot, which begins on the evening of May 23, is also known as Chag HaBikkurim, which celebrates the season’s harvest of its first and best fruits. In ancient times, farmers would tie reeds around the first ripening fruits and grains in their fields. The designated produce, called bikkurim, was harvested upon ripening. Following harvest, the farmers made a pilgrimage to the Temple in Jerusalem for Shavuot where each farmer presented his bikkurim to a priest. During the presentation ceremony the farmer thanked G-d for his sustenance provided by nature.
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Tags: Food, Holidays, Passover, Women, Teens, Family, Young Adults, Federation
Passover is synonymous with cleaning, shopping, and cooking. With all of the physical preparations, however, it’s easy to arrive spent and exhausted to the Passover Seder, and lose track of what Passover is really about - the retelling of the miraculous emancipation of our ancestors from Egypt, and the celebration of our transformation from slaves to a self-determining nation of free men and women.
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Tags: Food, Blog, Federation, Holidays, Women, Family, Teens
View a recipe from Kosher Nutritious blogger, Caroline Sharvit, for guilt-free Purim cookies.
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Tags: Food, Blog, Federation, Holidays, Women, Family, Teens
Discover the meaning behind Tu B'Shevat and find a recipe for a nutritious and kosher dish from Kosher Nutritious blogger, Caroline Sharvit.
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Tags: Food, Israel
Check out this delicious Shakshuka recipe from our very own Shlicha (Israel Emissary), Danielle.
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