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Mandel JDS Raises Nearly $300K at Auction

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Mandel JDS Raises Nearly $300K at Auction

Amongst a sea of people, bid paddles were shooting through the air. The auctioneer (just like you might find in the movies) reeled off monetary values at a mile a minute, hardly stopping to catch his breath. The cause? The Mandel JDS Annual Spring Benefit Auction.

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Music for the Soul

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Music for the Soul

Music accesses the part of ourselves that is soul-worthy. To reach the "specialness" that each of us represents, we sing, emote and dance rhythmically to express melody and the beat. We can connect through song in a way that transcends differences, which is one of the reasons music is so powerful.

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Gross Schechter: 3 Ways Kids Can Get Fit

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Gross Schechter: 3 Ways Kids Can Get Fit

The preeminent medieval scholar, Rambam wrote, "As long as a person exercises and exerts himself…sickness does not befall him and his strength increases." (Hilchot De’ot 4:1; 4:14-15). It’s no secret that Jewish values underlie and drive everything that we do at Schechter. In the case of physical education, it’s no different. At Schechter, we look to the value of shmirat ha’guf, (guarding one’s body), which serves as the driver for encouraging and promoting exercise, healthy nutrition and stress management in our students’ lives. Here are three ways you can apply shmirat ha’guf with your children.

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Schechter Develops New Curriculum Blending Technology and Hebrew

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Schechter Develops New Curriculum Blending Technology and Hebrew

Like many schools, Gross Schechter has an expressed goal of ensuring that our students learn effective, proficient and fluent use of technology. We all know that developing and honing this skill is a necessary part of a 21st-century, outstanding education, and, yet, there is sometimes a barrier of fear.

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Mandel JDS Competes in Model U.N.

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Mandel JDS Competes in Model U.N.

When one thinks of international politics, eleven, twelve, and thirteen year old students are not typically the first image conjured in the brain. Maybe now that image will change as Mandel JDS students were given the opportunity of a lifetime, trekking to New York City to compete in the “Global Classrooms International Middle School Model UN Conference.”

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Meet Mandel JDS's Student Wordsmith

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Meet Mandel JDS's Student Wordsmith

They say a pen is mightier than the sword - a sentiment that couldn’t be more true for the sharp wordsmith, Allison Dettelbach, seventh-grader at The Joseph and Florence Mandel Jewish Day School (Mandel JDS). Dettelbach recently qualified for the statewide Power of the Pen Finals after competing in district and regional tournaments over the course of the year.

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Mandel JDS Shines at Science Fair

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Mandel JDS Shines at Science Fair

A total of 12 Mandel JDS students competed at this year’s NEOSEF Science Fair, with each student placing overall in the tournament. The twelve students are comprised of ten current students and two alumni.

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Schechter Students Take Home Top Honors

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Schechter Students Take Home Top Honors

At Gross Schechter, our mission is to provide children with an outstanding education that ignites students’ passion for learning in a rigorous and nurturing academic environment. We inspire students to lead engaged Jewish lives and achieve personal success. We see this coming to life in our students, who excel in and out of the classroom. In the past month, Gross Schechter students have been recognized for outstanding achievement in Science, Creative Writing and Art in local, regional and state competitions.

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Mandel JDS Hebrew Immersion Program

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Mandel JDS Hebrew Immersion Program

Walking through Mandel Jewish Day School, one might notice a slight influx of Israeli accents and fluent Hebrew reverberating throughout the classrooms. This new change is a result of the increased role of Hebrew immersion specialists, funded entirely by the recent 17 million dollar gift from the Joseph and Florence Mandel Family Foundation.

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Mandel JDS Holds STEM Fair

Tags: Federation, Education, Mandel JDS, Partner

Mandel JDS Holds STEM Fair

With activities like “Flying Eggs” and “Don’t Burst the Balloon,” it’s no wonder students and parents alike walked out of Mandel JDS happy and, more importantly, a little bit more educated. Mandel JDS held their first annual STEM Fair, on Sunday, March 6. The concept of STEM (a acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) took hold of the building as students and parents alike in engaged in 18 different interactive, educational activities.

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