Take a Stand Against BDS: Support HB 476
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Dear Cleveland friends and families:
Take a stand against Boycott, Divestment & Sanctions (BDS). Support Ohio House Bill 476.
Several other states across the country – as diverse as South Carolina and Illinois – including, Arizona, Florida, and Indiana have enacted legislation, taking a stand against BDS. Other states are now considering similar legislation.
Ohio now has a chance to join and to lead with HB 476.
Please contact your legislators and Ohio House Leadership TODAY – with the following message:
Dear __________________: I write to urge you to support HB 476, the bill that would add Ohio to the list of states that are taking a stand against the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement. BDS is an insidious effort to delegitimize the State of Israel by, among other things, urging people and businesses to boycott Israel. In truth, BDS is an anti-Semitic movement; it will not bring peace to Israel and its actual goal is to undermine the very existence of the Jewish state. Ohio has always taken a strong stand against discrimination and anti-Semitism. BDS is also bad for Ohio’s businesses. By denying state contracts to any business or entity that engages in BDS against Israel or Israelis, HB 476 will add another tool in this important fight. HB 476 sends a strong message of solidarity to our university students who feel threatened on campus and unable to stand up in support of Israel. It also sends a strong message to Israeli companies, researchers, academics, and businesses that Ohio is open for business. And, finally, it tells Israel that Ohio stands with them against terror and hate, and for peace. Sincerely, (Sign your name)
If you're unsure of who represents you, click here to find out.
For the House Leaderships, please reach out to:
Speaker Cliff Rosenberger, click here.
Minority Leader Fred Strahorn, click here.
For the Ohio House Committee on Government Accountability & Oversight full committee list, click here.
Thank you for standing up for Israel, for Ohio, and for fairness.
Leslie D. Dunn, Chair, Government Relations Committee
Cheryl Davis, Chair, Community Relations Committee