Why We Volunteer with American Red Cross
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Volunteers with the American Red Cross are trained to help people in their darkest hours, by providing help and hope. On average, the American Red Cross responds to three disasters every 24 hours in Northeast Ohio, the vast majority of which are home fires. Red Cross volunteers help residents prepare for, respond to, and recover from disasters like home fires, as well as floods and other emergencies.
Volunteers share preparedness information throughout the community to help prevent disasters from occurring and to ensure community resiliency in the event of a disaster. They serve as Community Disaster Educators, Home Fire Preparedness Team Members, and Pillowcase Program Presenters. Among their duties are installing smoke alarms in homes deemed at high risk for fire, and teaching children how to be prepared for emergencies.
Volunteer Information:
Disaster Responders
Disaster Responders serve in an on-call capacity to assist those affected by disasters, by providing financial assistance for their immediate needs, comfort items like toothbrushes and shampoo, and a shoulder to lean on after the loss of a home and possessions.
This is an ongoing volunteer opportunity.
For information on this volunteer opportunity or other opportunities, contact Susan Hyman at shyman@jcfcleve.org or 216-593-2887.