Young Leadership Division Microgrant Program December 2019 Recipients
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Mazel tov to the latest cohort of Young Leadership Division (YLD) Microgrant Program recipients!
With the YLD Microgrant Program, YLD hopes to create a thriving, vibrant Jewish Cleveland young adult community by empowering individuals or groups to create, plan, and host experiences for Jewish Clevelanders (ages 22-45).
YLD Microgrant Program recipients may receive up to $1,000 to support their projects per calendar year. YLD Microgrant Program funding is available twice annually, with applications due in July and December.
“Since its inception in 2017, the Microgrant Program has helped young Jewish Clevelanders to imagine and create personalized events and meaningful experiences for our peers,” said Cameron Orlean, YLD Board chair. “The Board and I are excited to see such a diverse range of programming for young adults in Jewish Cleveland this year.”
December 2019 YLD Microgrant Program Recipients:
• Aaron Wolkoff of Beachwood, representing B’nai Jeshurun Congregation’s Atid, will host Shabbat dinners for young adults living in Jewish Cleveland
• Ali Stern of University Heights, representing Cleveland Partnership Minyan, working on additional security for events with the Cleveland Partnership Minyan.
• Blair Gorenberg of Downtown Cleveland, representing Moishe House Cleveland, will host “Torah on Tap” (a unique way for young professionals to engage in Jewish learning).
• Annie Weinstein of Tremont, representing Fairmount Young Professionals, will host “Breaking Bread” (an event to mark the end of Passover).
• Betsy Tucker of Downtown Cleveland, representing Jewish Big Brothers Big Sisters Association, will host Bigs’ Night Out (a recruitment and engagement event for the Bigs of the program).
• Maya Camhi of Lakewood, representing Jewish Lakewood Alliance, will host “Passover in Lakewood” (a custom, interactive and woke seder inclusive to all traditions).
For more information about the YLD Microgrant Program, visit www.jewishcleveland.org/yldmicrogrant, or contact Leah Markowicz at lmarkowicz@jcfcleve.org or 216-593-2905.