About Us

Daniel N. Zelman

Meet Daniel N. Zelman, Board Chair

“It is an honor to serve the Cleveland Jewish community in this capacity. Cleveland is one the best Jewish communities in the world. I am excited to work with the Board and Federation professionals.”

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Our Mission

We promote the well-being of our community, its members, and Jews throughout the world; enhance the continuity, security, and unity of the Jewish community; increase understanding of Jewish values and their application to improve people’s lives; encourage our members to fulfill the responsibility of tikkun olam, to make the world a better place; support Israel as a Jewish and democratic state; and promote collective action by individuals and organizations to advance these purposes.

Since 1903, Federation has created the critical scale necessary to drive meaningful social change and provide relief in times of crisis in ways no one person or organization could do alone. As Jewish Cleveland’s hub for innovative solutions and collaborative services, the Federation is able to change and improve lives in Cleveland, Israel, and around the world.

Our Priorities

CARE for One Another

We care for one another by helping feed the hungry, comfort the sick, aid the elderly, shelter the homeless, and support those in need or with disabilities – wherever they are in the world. We advocate for the vulnerable and fight for social justice. We also invest significant resources in preventing, preparing for, and responding to potential security threats to our community.

PREPARE for the Future

We prepare for the future by ensuring the long-term health and vitality of our diverse community. We provide the critical strategic planning and oversight needed to make life better today and for generations to come. We provide a wide range of educational programming for all ages which celebrates Jewish values and traditions. We also develop the next generation of leaders through mentoring, teaching, and hands-on experiences.

SHARE Our Perspectives

We share our perspectives by ensuring diverse points of view throughout our community are heard and respected. We reach beyond our community to bridge cultural divides and build collaborative relationships with other ethnic, racial, civic, and religious groups throughout Greater Cleveland. We provide the education and tools needed to stand up and speak out on behalf of Israel and the Jewish people. We deepen connections to Israel through personal experiences and programs that celebrate our Jewish homeland.

REPAIR Our World

We repair our world by responding in times of emergency and helping people rebuild in the wake of natural or man-made disasters. We also invest in programs and services that provide a strong safety net during times of personal crises.

Why We Do It

Our Vision

Our vision is of a thriving Cleveland Jewish community whose members, wherever they are living, embrace the opportunity to learn about and act on the core values of the Jewish people. The Jewish Federation of Cleveland will be regarded as a center of excellence and a resource for all who seek to create and maintain such a community for themselves.

Our Values and Guiding Principles

  • Traditional Jewish values of justice (tzedek), repair of the world (tikkun olam), acts of loving kindness (gemilut hesed), and Jewish peoplehood (klal yisrael)
  • Individual and communal responsibility for the well-being of the members of our community
  • Respect for the individual and for different expressions of Judaism and Jewish life
  • Commitment to Israel and its people
  • Commitment to Jewish learning and education
  • Importance of collective action

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Thanks to the generous support of our donors,
Cleveland is one of the most vibrant and caring Jewish communities in the world

Growing and diverse Jewish population

Active community leadership

Commitment to education and life long learning

World class care for the elderly and vulnerable

Wide range of resources and services

Sophisticated community security

Strong safety net for times of crisis