True Identities & Meanings

True Identities

Don’t be fooled by clever names. Consider the source before you share content from – or voice your support for – these organizations.

Al Jazeera / AJ+

Al Jazeera, and its digital platform AJ+, is a media network headquartered in Qatar. Known for its extensive coverage of Middle Eastern affairs, Al Jazeera has often been criticized for its perceived bias against Israel and its sympathetic portrayal of Islamist groups. Critics argue that it's reporting sometimes aligns with Qatari foreign policy interests, which include support for groups like Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood. Despite its claims of editorial independence, Al Jazeera’s coverage is seen by some as promoting anti-Israel narratives and inflammatory rhetoric. The promotion of extremism and support for terrorist groups has led to Al Jazeera facing bans, shutdowns and restrictions in Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Egypt, Jordan, Israel and India. Sources:​ BBC, , Jerusalem Post, iddle East Forum

Gaza Health Ministry

The Gaza Health Ministry, controlled by Hamas, is the primary source of casualty information in Gaza, despite significant controversies over its accuracy. Since 2007, Hamas has controlled the Ministry of Health, which has faced criticism for false reporting and for omitting casualties caused by Hamas forces during incidents such as anti-Hamas protests. The ministry's credibility is further weakened by its failure to distinguish between civilians and combatants in casualty counts, making it difficult to verify the accuracy of reported figures.

Despite concerns raised by the White House about Hamas's propaganda incentives and the unreliability of the ministry's numbers, many media outlets continue to rely on its data. This reliance underscores ongoing challenges regarding the accuracy and transparency of casualty reporting under Hamas control in Gaza. Sources: FDD

Goyim Defense League (GDL)

The Goyim Defense League (GDL) is a notorious antisemitic hate group that aggressively spreads conspiracy theories and incites hatred against Jews. The GDL engages in a variety of inflammatory activities, including the distribution of offensive flyers, organizing public demonstrations with antisemitic messages, and producing online content filled with Holocaust denial and stereotypes about Jewish control over finance and media. The group's name is a mockery of the Anti-Defamation League, and they utilize provocative tactics to garner attention and spread their extremist views. The GDL often collaborates with other far-right and white supremacist groups, amplifying their message and creating a network of hate that poses significant threats to Jewish communities. Their actions have been widely condemned and monitored by organizations like the ADL and the Southern Poverty Law Center, which highlight the GDL’s role in promoting and normalizing antisemitic hatred in the public sphere. Sources: ADL, Southern Poverty Law Center


Hamas is an Islamist extremist Palestinian organization seeking the destruction of Israel. The United States, Australia, Canada, the European Union, Japan, and the UK have designated Hamas as a terrorist organization. Since 1994, Hamas has carried out numerous terrorist attacks targeting civilians in Israeli cities, including bombings in shopping malls, cafes, buses, and hotels. On October 7, 2023, Hamas violated an established ceasefire and committed a brutal attack on Israel that resulted in the murder of more Jews than in any single day since the Holocaust. This aggression was supported by substantial funding and resources from Iran, which provides Hamas with financial and military assistance, enabling its continued attacks against Israel. Source: ADL, Economist, Washington Institute


Hezbollah, based in Lebanon, is a terrorist organization committed to the destruction of Israel and has targeted Israeli and Jewish interests globally. Responsible for infamous attacks against American military installations in the 1980s, Hezbollah has been designated as a terrorist entity multiple times by the U.S. government and its military wing was labeled as such by the European Union in 2013. Supported by Syria and Iran, Hezbollah serves as a proxy for these countries in their conflicts with Israel. The group has also targeted Jewish civilians outside of Israel, including at the AMIA Jewish community center in Buenos Aires in 1994 that killed 85 people and injured over 300. Since October 7, Hezbollah has consistently fired rockets and drones from Lebanon to Israeli civilian centers, prompting the evacuation of eighty thousand Israelis. Source: ADL, NY Times, FDD


The Houthis, officially known as Ansar Allah, are a Shiite Muslim rebel group originating from northern Yemen. They have been engaged in a prolonged and violent conflict with the Yemeni government and a Saudi-led coalition, aiming to gain political control and influence in Yemen. The group is known for its severe anti-Western and anti-Israeli rhetoric, often expressing vehement antisemitism and homophobia. The Islamic Republic of Iran’s regime is a significant supporter of the Houthis, providing them with military and financial aid, which has further destabilized the region. Sources: AJC, US Department of State

IfNotNow / If Not Now

IfNotNow is an American Jewish group that focuses on human rights violations it believes are being perpetrated by Israel. Its criticism of the Israeli government is extreme, calling it a “violent, bloodthirsty regime.” The organization often uses direct action and media appearances to pressure politicians and institutions. They have organized anti-Israel rallies (including just days following the October 7 attack by Hamas), engaged in sit-ins, and were one of the co-conveners of the October 18 anti-Israel rally in Washington D.C., where hundreds of demonstrators were arrested after entering the Capitol. Source: ADL, Forward

Jewish Voice for Peace

Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP) is a radical anti-Zionist organization advocating for a total boycott of Israel. They attribute violence targeting Israeli civilians to Israeli policies, organize rallies endorsing terror against Israel, and use their identity to shield the anti-Israel movement from allegations of antisemitism, providing them a veneer of legitimacy. JVP's tactics include demonizing Zionism and American Jews, perpetuating stereotypes, and impeding peace efforts by misrepresenting any response by Israel to terror as an act of aggression. Despite its name, Jewish Voice for Peace does not represent the vast majority of American Jews, most of whom believe in Israel’s right to exist and support its fight against Hamas. Sources:​ ADL, Pew Research Center, Jewish Telegraphic Agency

Middle East Eye

Middle East Eye (MEE) is a UK-based online news outlet that focuses on news from the Middle East. It is often criticized for its editorial stance, which many perceive as biased against Israel and supportive of Islamist movements. MEE’s articles frequently highlight Palestinian grievances and criticize Israeli policies, which some view as part of a broader agenda to delegitimize Israel. The publication is seen by some as a platform that amplifies anti-Israel sentiments and aligns with groups opposed to Israel’s existence as a Jewish state. MEE has faced bans and restrictions in Saudi Arabia and Egypt over its ties to the Muslim Brotherhood. Sources: AEI, The Atlantic

Muslim Brotherhood

The Muslim Brotherhood is a transnational right-wing Sunni Islamist organization that was founded in Egypt in 1928 by Hassan al-Banna. It advocates for the establishment of an Islamic state governed by Sharia law and has been involved in various political activities across the Middle East and beyond. The group promotes a form of political Islam that seeks to implement Islamic law at all levels of society, which has led to accusations of promoting extremism. While some branches of the Muslim Brotherhood engage in electoral politics, others have been linked to militant activities. The terrorist group, Hamas, was formed from Brotherhood-affiliated institutions. Sources: JCPA, Jewish Virtual Library

Neturei Karta

Neturei Karta is a small, fringe group within the ultra-Orthodox Jewish community that aggressively opposes the existence of the State of Israel. They believe that a Jewish state should not be established until the coming of the Messiah and actively advocate for the dismantlement of Israel. The group has drawn widespread condemnation for aligning itself with some of Israel’s most hostile enemies, including terrorist groups like Hezbollah and the Iranian regime. Neturei Karta members have used inflammatory rhetoric against Zionism and Israel, which many view as undermining the safety and legitimacy of the Jewish state. Sources: ADL

Palestinian Authority

The Palestinian Authority (PA) governs and administers Palestinian areas in the West Bank, established through the 1993 Oslo Agreement between Israel and the PLO. While it represents Palestinians internationally and negotiates with Israel, it lost control of the Gaza Strip after Hamas seized power in 2007. Source: ADL

Palestinian Islamic Jihad

Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) is a radical Islamist militant group committed to the destruction of Israel and the establishment of an Islamic Palestinian state. Founded in 1981, PIJ rejects any form of peaceful resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and is known for its involvement in numerous terrorist attacks, including suicide bombings and rocket fire targeting Israeli civilians. The group is designated as a terrorist organization by the US and several other countries and receives substantial support from Iran. PIJ's actions have significantly contributed to the cycle of violence and instability in the region. In October 2023, a misfired PIJ rocket landed in the parking lot of the Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza and was originally misreported as an Israeli airstrike on the facility leading to the cancellation of a scheduled meeting with Arab leaders to resolve the conflict in Gaza and violent attacks on Jews across the world, including calls for an “International Day of Rage” by Hezbollah, and a riot at an airport that involved a mob hunting for the passengers arriving from a flight from Israel. Sources: ADL, US Department of State, Times of Israel, Time

Press TV

Press TV is an English-language news network based in Iran and owned by the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB). It serves as a mouthpiece for the Iranian government, often disseminating anti-Western and anti-Israeli propaganda. Press TV is known for promoting conspiracy theories, Holocaust denial, and antisemitic narratives. The network’s coverage frequently portrays Israel as a malign force and supports Iran’s geopolitical interests, including its backing of groups like Hezbollah and Hamas. Press TV has been banned or restricted in several countries including the United Kingdom, United States, France, and Germany. Sources: ADL, US Department of State

Quds News Network

Quds News Network (QNN) is a Palestinian media organization that covers news related to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. It is known for its strong anti-Israel stance and frequent use of provocative language and imagery that portrays Israel negatively. QNN often highlights stories of Palestinian resistance and martyrdom while framing Israeli actions as oppressive and unjust. Critics argue that QNN’s coverage contributes to incitement and perpetuates a one-sided narrative that fosters animosity towards Israel. Meta removed QNN's page in 2021, citing repeated violations of community standards, including the promotion of hate speech and incitement to violence. Sources: JNS, ProPublica

Students for Justice in Palestine

Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) is an anti-Israel advocacy group on college campuses. The group’s focus is to demonize Zionism and Zionists, often using inflammatory language and accusing them of racism. SJP's perspective on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict portrays Israelis as oppressors and Palestinians as victims, potentially hindering efforts to find common ground and promoting a one-sided view of the conflict. Immediately following Hamas’ attack on innocent people in Israel on October 7, numerous SJP chapters released inflammatory statements in support of Hamas seizing control of Israeli territory, including some which explicitly endorse the use of violence and attacks on civilians. A lawsuit has been filed by victims of Hamas terrorism against National Students for Justice in Palestine and its parent organization for working in the United States as collaborators and propagandists for Hamas. Source: ADL, AJC, Bloomberg Law

Within Our Lifetime

Within Our Lifetime (WOL) is an anti-Israel activist group based in New York City, known for its fanatical criticism of Israeli policies and strong advocacy for Palestinian rights. The group, led by Nerdeen Kiswani, engages in highly controversial and extremist rhetoric, calling for the liberation of all Palestinian territories and the dismantling of Israel. WOL is also involved in organizing protests and supporting the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel. Kiswani has been criticized for her inflammatory statements and actions, which are seen as promoting violence and hatred against Israel and Jews. Sources: AJC, ADL, Nerdeen Kiswani

Real Meanings

Know what the words mean before you use them.


Antisemitism, also known as Jew hatred, is a thousands year old conspiracy theory that means hostility to or bias against Jews. There are various forms of antisemitism, ranging from overt hatred to more subtle manifestations related to Israel or religious beliefs. You can find the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance definition here.

Natan Sharansky’s 3D Test of Antisemitism:

  • Demonization: Identify unfair portrayals of Israel, such as exaggerated comparisons to Nazis or equating Palestinian refugee camps with Auschwitz.
  • Double Standards: Highlight instances where criticism of Israel is selectively applied, ignoring human rights abuses by other countries.
  • Delegitimization: Address the denial of Israel's right to exist, which uniquely targets Israel among all nations.
Sources:​ JCPA


Anti-Zionism is a prejudice against the Jewish people’s right to self-determination and the establishment of Israel as a homeland for the Jewish people. It can lead to or stem from antisemitism and may normalize antisemitic attitudes. Sources:​ ADL


Apartheid is wrongly attributed to Israel to demonize it as uniquely malevolent and worthy of dissolution. Apartheid involves legal systems enforcing racial segregation and denying rights to one racial group. In Israel, Israeli Arabs, including Muslims, Christians and Druze, participate in democracy with representation in the Knesset and the Supreme Court. Critics cite the security barrier between the West Bank and Israel as evidence of apartheid, erected in response to the Second Intifada to prevent terrorist attacks and protect all residents, regardless of ethnicity. Sources:​ AJC


Accusations that Israel is a colonial state aim to delegitimize its existence and deny its right to exist. Historical sources and archaeological finds confirm that Israel has been the homeland of the Jewish people for over 3,000 years. Though the Roman Empire destroyed the Jewish state of Judea in 70 CE and expelled many of the Jews, the Jewish people always longed to return to their homeland. The Zionist movement of the late 19th century rekindled this hope, enabling Jews to begin returning to live in their ancestral land.

The term "colonizers" implies a colonial empire benefiting from colonization. However, Jews returning to Israel were not colonizers; they were fleeing persecution in their previous nations of residence to return to their ancestral homeland.

Furthermore, Israel does not occupy the Gaza Strip and has had no presence in the coastal enclave for nearly two decades. Sources:​ AJC

“From the River to the Sea”

“From the River to the Sea” is a slogan advocating for the destruction of state of Israel and for all Jews to be expelled. It is a call for the genocide of Jews, not peaceful co-existence. Sources:​ AJC


The term "genocide" was coined by Raphael Lemkin in 1944, following the Holocaust and earlier tragedies such as the Armenian Genocide. Genocide refers to specific acts intended to destroy a national, ethnic, racial, or religious group. Accusing Israel of genocide diminishes real instances of genocide and applies a double standard, as Israel has not engaged in such actions toward the Palestinian people. Sources:​ ADL

Intifada / Globalize the Intifada

The term "Intifada," meaning "uprising" or "shaking off" in Arabic, has been associated with violent Palestinian protests against Israel. The phrase "Globalize the Intifada" calls for people worldwide to rise up against Israel and is generally understood as a call for indiscriminate violence targeting Jews and Jewish institutions globally. This slogan references two periods of Palestinian violence against Israel – the late 1980s and 2000-2005 – which involved suicide bombings, shootings, and stabbings, resulting in over 1,000 deaths. Anti-Israel activists use this phrase to encourage aggressive resistance against Israel and its supporters. Sources:​ AJC, ADL

Settler Colonialism

"Settler Colonialism" refers to an imperial power replacing the native population with settlers, typically conjuring historical memories of exploitative white European empires invading lands in the Middle East, Asia, and Africa. This term usually implies a metropole, or central imperial authority, directing and benefiting from such colonization. However, it does not accurately describe a national group returning to its historic homeland for self-determination while supporting another group's nation-state.

Anti-Israel activists and academics use "settler colonialism" to describe the demographic and political changes in Israel, the West Bank, and Gaza over the past 150 years, arguing that Jews colonized and seized Palestinian land and resources. This perspective overlooks key facts (read more here). While the pre-state Zionist movement and the State of Israel may be criticized for certain policies, labeling Zionism, Jewish self-determination as settler colonialism is misleading and undermines Israel's legitimacy. Sources:​ AJC, ADL