Myths & Facts​​

Myths and Facts​

Understanding the prevailing myths about the Jewish people and the State of Israel is crucial so that we can effectively counteract these misconceptions and promote accurate information.

MYTH: Zionism is white supremacy/racism
FACT: Zionism is support for Jewish self-determination in their historic homeland. Zionism, as a movement, does not define Jewish identity based on race or skin color. The Declaration of Independence of Israel ensured “complete equality of social and political rights to all its inhabitants irrespective of religion, race or sex.” Zionism is not a movement for racial domination or exclusion, in contrast to white supremacy, which seeks to enforce and maintain racial hierarchies. The accusation of racism comes from UN Resolution 3379 led by the Soviet Union, their satellite states, and the Arab League in 1975. This resolution was repealed in 1991. While some Jews (namely Ashkenazim whose families spread to Southern and Central Europe from Israel) may present White in pigmentation, most Israeli Jews are Sephardi or Mizrachi, whose families spread to Northern Africa and throughout the Middle East may present darker features. Sources:​ ADL​, Jewish Chronicle​, The Jewish News​, Government of Israel

MYTH: Jews are not indigenous to Israel
FACT: There is extensive historical, archaeological, and genetic evidence that Jews are indigenous to the land of Israel. Jews have maintained a continuous presence in the land for over 3,000 years. Genetic studies have shown that the majority of Jewish people, including Ashkenazi, Sephardi, and Mizrahi Jews, share a common ancestry tracing back to the Middle East. Numerous archaeological discoveries and excavations have uncovered evidence supporting the historic narrative of Jewish indigeneity to the land of Israel. Sources:​ AJC​, Tablet Magazine​​, The Algemeiner​

MYTH: There is no evidence of violence against women on 10/7
FACT: There is conclusive evidence of violence against women during the October 7th attacks, including eyewitness accounts, video footage, photographs, and testimonies by hostages. The UN’s special envoy on sexual violence confirmed that there are reasonable grounds to believe that sexual violence took place in multiple locations, including the Nova music festival, Road 232, and Kibbutz Re’im. Sources:​ ​, Jerusalem Post​​, Jerusalem Post​

MYTH: Israel bombed civilians in the Al-Mawasi humanitarian area in Rafah
FACT: Israel executed a precise, targeted strike on senior Hamas terrorists in Rafah, located more than a mile away from Al-Mawasi. The two small explosive devices used in this strike are incapable of causing a fire of that magnitude a mile away. Israel now believes that the fire was caused by ammunition and weapons hidden by Hamas in a humanitarian area, which exploded following Israel’s strike. Sources:​ IDF

MYTH: Israel is not interested in peace with the Palestinians
FACT: Israel has created peace and normalization with five Arab countries in the region and entered into peace accords with the Palestinians called the Oslo Accords. Israel has accepted proposals related to a two-state solution on five different occasions while the Palestinians have rejected each one including an offer of 93.5% of territory in the West Bank and Gaza and a share of East Jerusalem.​ Sources:​ ADL​, Jewish Virtual Library​

MYTH: Israel is an apartheid state
FACT: Israel is a democratic nation with safeguards designed to ensure the equal treatment of all citizens – Jewish and Arab. Israeli laws and democratic institutions, including the independent courts and robust free press, are assigned to uphold and speak out for these rights. Israeli Arab citizens serve as judges, ambassadors, legislators, journalists, professors, artists and play prominent roles in all aspects of Israeli society. And for the first time, in 2021, an Islamist Arab political party is a partner in a governing coalition.​ Source:​ ADL

MYTH: Gaza is an open-air prison
FACT: Hamas is the ruling authority in Gaza and has been responsible for the well-being of Palestinian citizens there since this terrorist organization took over in 2005. Israel supplies Gaza with only 50 percent of its electricity and 13 percent of its water supply. Gaza is not cut off from the outside world. In the last year, the markets of Gaza have been flooded with produce and merchandise. The border of Gaza and Israel is guarded on the Israeli side just as any sovereign nation monitors its borders.​ Sources:​ Times of Israel, Times of Israel

MYTH: Israel is engaged in genocide​
FACT: There is no Israeli ideology, movement, policy or plan to exterminate or expel the Palestinian population. In fact, the country’s Palestinian population has more than doubled since 1997. Supporters of Hamas use the term “genocide” to demonize the state of Israel’s efforts to protect its citizens from terrorist attacks.​ ​Sources:​ ADL​​, Times of Israel

MYTH: “From the River to the Sea” is a slogan for Palestinian independence
FACT: This slogan advocates for the state of Israel not to exist and for all Jews to be expelled. It is a call for the genocide of Jews, not peaceful co-existence.​ Source: ​AJC

MYTH: Antisemitism is not a big problem in the United States
FACT: Over 55% of all religiously motivated hate crimes targeted the Jewish community in 2022, despite being just 2.4% of the US population. Since Hamas’ terrorist attack of Israel on October 7, 2023, preliminary studies show an increase of harassment, vandalism and assault targeting Jewish people of 360 percent. At the same time, reports found more than 100 anti-Israel rallies in the U.S. that explicitly or implicitly supported Hamas and/or violence against Jews in October 2023.​ Sources:​ ADL​, ADL