Meet Tomer: A Cleveland, Israel Partnership Success Story
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An update from October 2023: Tomer is now serving in the Israel Defense Forces. We pray for her safety, as well as the safety of all our former ShinShinim and Israeli family. Watch a video message from Tomer here:

Table of Contents:
1. Tomer's Start at the library
2. Passion for STEM
3. Returning to Cleveland
4. Life back in Israel

Growing up in Beit Shean, Israel, Cleveland’s sister city, Tomer Blise has always felt a strong connection to the Jewish Cleveland community. “People think Cleveland is the biggest city in the U.S. because it’s so involved in Beit Shean.”
Tomer’s journey to Cleveland began in fourth grade when her love of books helped her develop confidence and leadership skills. “The library was always comforting to me; I could go there anytime and feel better. After school, if I had a bad day I’d go there and it would put a smile on my face.”
She helped start a volunteer program with a few classmates at the Beit Shean Library helping the library director organize books and create programs for other teens. Each year the group would grow with more and more students and by the time she was in high school, she was one of the leaders of the group.
As a high school sophomore, she was invited by the Jewish Federation to Cleveland as part of a delegation from the library which helped teach the method of involving and activating teens through libraries. She spent time teaching and meeting many people connected to the Jewish community, the Cleveland Public Library, as well as other libraries in the city. “I started to realize that I could give back to younger kids and be a mentor to them – similar to how people did that for me. If it weren’t for the library, I wouldn’t have the confidence I have today.”
“There was just something about being here. And at that moment, I knew I had to become a ShinShin when I was able to. This is such a warm community and it’s amazing!”
-Tomer Blise
When Tomer went back home to Israel, she knew she wanted to return to Cleveland again one day. At that same time, her passion for learning and leading was growing. Tomer joined the STEM Teen Scientific Leadership program, a program launched in Beit Shean with Federation’s support. Tomer was part of a unique pilot project which trained teens in teaching the joys of STEM to elementary school age children, exposing younger children to STEM through engagement and interaction. This program helped Tomer gain new important skills, such as standing in front of a crowd and teaching others.

In the 2022/23 school year, Tomer was able to combine her passions for Cleveland, Israel, and teen leadership by spending her Gap Year between high school and the Israeli army here in Jewish Cleveland as part of the Jewish Education Center of Cleveland’s ShinShin program. “I know I'm making a difference with the younger kids and the teens here in Cleveland. I think the teenagers like the fact that they have an Israeli friend, and they can ask and text me questions about Israel and the Israeli community and culture.”
After Tomer returns to Israel, she will enter the Israeli army and later enroll in college to pursue a degree in Political Science. But it’s her time here in Cleveland that will always have a special place in her heart and she will always know how much our community has invested in her and Beit Shean. “I’m so thankful for everyone who supports our city and the programs they have brought. If it wasn’t for Cleveland, I wouldn’t be who I am today.”
Tomer sees the most important thing about the connection between Beit Shean and Cleveland is how its teaching younger generations about the importance of STEM and leadership development. “The teenagers in Beit Shean feel proud of who they are and where they come. They now have many of the same advantages as kids from other bigger cities. I’m so thankful for that. I’m proud to say I’m from Beit Shean and my friends are proud to say they’re from Beit Shean.”
To find out more about Federation’s partnership with Beit Shean, contact Ilanit Gerblich Kalir at ikalir@jewishcleveland.org or 216-593-2815.