Celebrating 115 Years of Jewish Cleveland!
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Our community is a special place! A packed house of more than 300 people joined together at Gross Schechter Day School for the Jewish Federation of Cleveland's 115th Annual Meeting.
It was a privilege to listen to Tamara Cofman Wittes, senior fellow of foreign policy, Center for Middle East Policy at the Brookings Institution. Her remarks on U.S. Middle East policy, the challenges of global democracy, and the future of Arab governance were engaging and thought-provoking.
Congratulations to Richard W. Pogue, recipient of the 2019 Charles Eisenman Award, our highest civic honor, who garnered a standing ovation from the crowd. For more than half a century, Dick has been serving the Cleveland community and making it a better place for us all.
The evening concluded with another standing ovation for outgoing Board Chair Gary L. Gross for three exemplary years of service. "The real privilege of being the chair is participating in conversations that are so important to the community that have such an impact on Jews in Cleveland and around the world," he said. Thank you, Gary, for your leadership.
Special thanks to Event Chairs Michal and Steven Soclof. And, thank you to all of our guests for joining us!
View photos from the event on our Jewish Cleveland Facebook page.