
Combating Hate: Jewish Federation of Cleveland's Fight Against Antisemitism

Tags: Federation, Campaign25, Video, Israel, Advocacy

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Combating the hatred faced by the Jewish people has always been a top priority for the Jewish Federation of Cleveland. In the months following the October 7th attacks on Israel by the terrorist organization Hamas, antisemitic incidents surged by 388%, making Federation’s mission even more critical. From advocating against discriminatory resolution proposals at council meetings across Northeast Ohio to ensuring Jewish college students are getting the support they need from school administrators to empowering our community to combat online hate and more, Federation has been a driving force in the ongoing fight against antisemitism.

Shortly after October 7, 2023, Federation ran a full-page ad in The Plain Dealer and the Cleveland Jewish News to show our city’s commitment to Israel. The ad, which included nearly 300 signatures from elected officials, community leaders, and a wide range of local organizations, read: “On October 7, 2023, Hamas launched a war against innocent civilians in Israel. There is no excuse or justification for these actions. We condemn the brutality of Hamas and any other terrorist group, and stand with Israel and the Jewish people.”

At the same time, Federation worked with Cuyahoga County Council and a number of other local city councils that were being bullied by anti-Israel protesters to pass resolutions that would do nothing to help the Palestinian people they claim to represent and only further fuel anti-Jewish sentiment locally.

On November 14, 2023, Federation mobilized a massive contingent of Clevelanders for the “March for Israel” rally in Washington, D.C. More than 1,800 people from Cleveland joined around 290,000 people from North America at the National Mall to show solidarity with Israel, demand the release of Hamas being held by hostages, and address rising antisemitism.

At the same time, Federation launched a dedicated section on their website (A Community Toolkit for Combating Hate and Disinformation) that offers resources to tackle hate and misinformation, including key messages, antisemitism strategies, debunk myths about Israel and the Jewish people, social media engagement tips, and more. For example, the Federation’s ‘Myth vs. Facts’ series achieved over 90,000 impressions across social platforms.

To further empower our community on how they could use their social media platforms to stand up to hate, the Federation brought Hen Mazzig, a prominent speaker and digital influencer with over 500,000 followers, to Cleveland to conduct several social media workshops with various groups. While in Jewish Cleveland, he also presented at a number of large Federation events for the community.

During the summer months, Federation beneficiary agencies Cleveland Hillel and Hillel at Kent State University dedicated their time to strategizing a safe and meaningful start of the 2024-25 school year for their students. They are working tirelessly to strengthen relationships with their respective campus administrators. JFC Security, LLC has also been in communication with the leadership of campus police on the many local campuses to ensure they are aware of the rise in antisemitism and the potential threat to Jewish students. In the days leading up to the launch of the 2024 school year, Federation issued an action alert that enabled community members to send emails to the leadership of various Ohio colleges and universities that urged them to ensure a safer environment for Jewish students by enforcing rules against hate-driven intimidation and harassment.

At its core, antisemitism is the world’s oldest conspiracy theory, fueling hatred against the Jewish people throughout history. Yet, time and again, we have risen above this hate, united by our commitment to one another, the strength of our faith and values, and our deep love for our heritage. Over the past year, we have faced challenges not seen in generations. But through our collective efforts, we have succeeded in keeping our community safe, strong, and welcoming to all.

TOGETHER, we help save and change tens of thousands of lives in Cleveland, Israel, and around the world. Thank you!

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Learn More: Federation, Campaign25, Video, Israel, Advocacy