
Our Work Began in 1998

Tags: Russia, Overseas, Blog

Our Work Began in 1998

JCF’s work began during the worst economic conditions facing Russia since WWII: the ruble crashed, the stock market fell 75%, and the government defaulted on its debt.

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The Beginnings of a Great Partnership

Tags: Russia, Overseas, Blog

The Beginnings of a Great Partnership

JCF’s work began during the worst economic conditions facing Russia since WWII: the ruble crashed, the stock market fell 75%, and the government defaulted on its debt.

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Cleveland's Engagement with St. Petersburg

Tags: Russia, Overseas, Blog

Cleveland's Engagement with St. Petersburg

The back-story to Cleveland's engagement with St. Petersburg, Russia.

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JFC Mission to St. Petersburg, Russia

Tags: Russia, Overseas, Blog, Missions, Trips, & Travel

JFC Mission to St. Petersburg, Russia

Until the late 1700’s, Russia generally prohibited Jews from living within its boundaries, but suddenly found itself the “beneficiary” of over 1,000,000 Jews upon the annexation of Poland. From that period until recent times, Russian policy toward its Jews has vacillated between assimilation, discrimination, and isolation, compounded by 4 years of Nazi assault on the Pale of Settlement, bringing desecration and mass execution.

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Jewish Family Center “Adain Lo” awarded the inaugural Roderman Prize in Disability

Tags: Russia, Overseas, Partner, Awards

Jewish Family Center “Adain Lo” awarded the inaugural Roderman Prize in Disability

Jewish Family Center “Adain Lo” has been awarded the inaugural Roderman Prize in Disability that “recognizes the best in inclusive opportunities for people with disabilities.” This is the first year in which this prize is bring presented, and hereafter

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