
WATCH: Jewish Cleveland Volunteer Mission to Kibbutz Kissufim

Tags: Federation, Israel, Volunteer, Video, Campaign25

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After the devastation that occurred on October 7, Cleveland immediately stepped up to help the communities impacted by the attacks. Cleveland has since established a partnership with Kibbutz Kissufim, a community in the Gaza envelope that suffered a great deal of damage on October 7.

In April, several volunteers from Cleveland traveled to Israel and spent two days helping rebuild Kibbutz Kissufim. Cleveland and Israeli volunteers from our sister community of Beit Shean/Valley of Springs were able to exchange stories, laugh together, and build hope while gardening and cleaning the Kissufim community.

The volunteers felt that no matter where you were from or what your Jewish background was, it was important to come together and help support Israel for the future.

For more information on our partnership with Kissufim, click here or contact Ilanit Kalir at ikalir@jewishcleveland.org.

TOGETHER, we help save and change tens of thousands of lives in Cleveland, Israel, and around the world. Thank you!

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Learn More: Federation, Israel, Volunteer, Video, Campaign25