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8 Days of "Why I Give"

Tags: Federation, Blog, Campaign

Jewish Clevelanders are spreading the light this Chanukah season.

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Music & Meaning with Local Survivors

Tags: Campaign, Federation, Women, Family, Partner

Music & Meaning with Local Survivors

A POWerful day! Thank you to the 100 Women’s Philanthropy volunteers who joined together for an afternoon of music and meaning with local Holocaust survivors.

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Partner Agency Wages Penny Challenge

Tags: Federation, PR, Campaign, Partner

Partner Agency Wages Penny Challenge

BEACHWOOD, OHIO – (December 2, 2015) – Students at Joseph and Florence Mandel Jewish Day School (formerly The Agnon School) recently raised $1,427.06 by waging a one week charity Penny Challenge by grade to support the Jewish Federation of Cleveland’s Annual Campaign for Jewish Needs. This amount represents an increase from last year’s donation. The Federation will use this money to address the diverse needs of the Jewish community, both locally and worldwide.

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French Jews Build New Lives in Israel

Tags: Campaign, Federation, Partners, Israel, Overseas, France

French Jews Build New Lives in Israel

Though he’s been in Israel for less than a year and is far from his family, Thibault already feels more at home there than he ever did in his native France.

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300+ Celebrate Giving at Tzedakah Party

Tags: Young Adults, Campaign, Federation, Women, Family

300+ Celebrate Giving at Tzedakah Party

Our first snow day of the season didn't stop over 300 little ones and their families from giving thanks, giving back, and giving tzedakah at the Jewish Federation of Cleveland's Tzedakah Party!

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400+ Attend YLD Big Event

Tags: Young Adults, Campaign, Federation, Leadership, Video

400+ Attend YLD Big Event

Thank you, #JewishCleveland for an awesome Saturday night at The Big Event, YLD's signature fundraising event of the year! 400+ young adults celebrated our community and our Campaign with drinks, eats, and live music, plus a personal and powerful story from Event Co-Chair, Sam Krichevsky.

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“20/20 Vision” Celebrates Cleveland

Tags: Campaign, Federation, Leadership, Young Adults, Women

“20/20 Vision” Celebrates Cleveland

Thank you to everyone who came out to celebrate Cleveland! “We have many finish lines to cross, many victories to celebrate, and many marathons to run,” said Steven Litt, who joined fellow panelists Joseph D. Roman and Karen Gahl-Mills, along with moderator Ira C. Kaplan to discuss our city's accomplishments and challenges ahead at the third annual "Cleveland: A 20/20 Vision" event, hosted by KeyBank.

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Campaign Totals to be Announced, 12/16

Tags: Campaign, Federation, PR

Campaign Totals to be Announced, 12/16

CLEVELAND – On December 16, the Jewish Federation of Cleveland will celebrate the closing of the 2016 Campaign for Jewish Needs, the annual fundraising campaign that ensures our community’s vitality and vibrancy in the year ahead. The Campaign Closing Celebration takes place at 7 p.m. at Executive Caterers at Landerhaven, 6111 Landerhaven Drive in Mayfield Heights.

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Tzedakah Party Teaches Value of Giving

Tags: Campaign, PR, Family, Women, Federation

Tzedakah Party Teaches Value of Giving

CLEVELAND – November is a time to give thanks. At the Jewish Federation of Cleveland and PJ Library’s Tzedakah Party, families with children 4 years and younger will celebrate giving, enjoy gratitude-themed arts and crafts, participate in interactive PJ Library® story times, and have an action-packed opportunity to give tzedakah. This free event takes place on Sunday, November 22 from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. at the Federation’s Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel Building, 25701 Science Park Drive in Beachwood.

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Finding Your Perfect Match

Tags: Dating, Women, Young Adults, Campaign, Federation, Blog

Finding Your Perfect Match

I had the perfect costume this Halloween. It looked great, was easy, and didn’t cost a fortune. Is it something you would wear? Probably not. Was it sewn perfectly and did it have all the best accessories? No. But, it was perfect for me.

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