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Single in the CLE

Tags: Dating, Women, Young Adults, Video, Federation, Blog

Single in the CLE

Are you or someone you know Jewish, single, and living in Cleveland? Check out our newest blog, “Cleveland Yenta Center: Single in the CLE,” written by matchmaking guru, Rachel Heiser!

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An Update from Paris

Tags: France, Blog, Federation, Advocacy, Video

An Update from Paris

Meet Jennifer, a local Clevelander and Jewish Federation of Cleveland Board of Trustee, who moved her family overseas to France for a year. She now shares with us her experience during the last week.

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Dr. Frankel, 2015 Wolf Award Recipient

Tags: Young Adults, Federation, Campaign, Video, Featured, Awards

Dr. Frankel, 2015 Wolf Award Recipient

Mazel Tov, Dr. Margaret Richards Frankel, this year's recipient of the Amb. Milton A. and Roslyn Z. Wolf Young Campaigner of the Year Award.

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Experience Israel with Summer Internship

Tags: Onward, Israel, Federation, Video, Young Adults, I-connect

Experience Israel with Summer Internship

Now Available: Premiere Summer Internship Program in Israel for Young Adults

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Three Miracles Shape Clevelander's Life

Tags: Campaign, Federation, Young Adults, Video

Three Miracles Shape Clevelander's Life

Bradley Sherman wows the crowd at the YLD Big Event with his wisdom and words.

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Spoken Word Artist Wows GA Audience

Tags: Federation, Video

Spoken Word Artist Wows GA Audience

Spoken word artist Andrew Lustig wows the audience at this year's General Assembly.

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Solidarity Rally for Israel

Tags: Advocacy, Federation, Israel, Video

Solidarity Rally for Israel

Last night, 2800 people from our community united. We came together as a Jewish community, together with friends in the broader community, to take a stand against terror and for Israel.

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Meet the Lehava Young Leadership Group

Tags: Russia, Federation, Overseas, Video, Young Adults, Leadership

Meet the Lehava Young Leadership Group

Meet the Lehava Young Leadership Group from St. Petersburg, Russia.

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Gedalya's Story

Tags: Campaign, Federation, Israel, Video

Gedalya's Story

Under the hot Israeli sun stands a soldier. Beneath his battered helmet, a lock of red hair; behind his sunglasses, twinkling blue eyes that survey the scene. This Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) paratrooper and combat medic is a long way from his home in Cleveland, OH but he’s right where he wants to be.

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