Tags: Federation, Young Adults, Overseas, Israel
Late in the afternoon on October 13th, 1998 my parents called me and my older sister into our family room. My father said: “something has happened. Itamar was murdered.” This was the first time I had ever heard the word ‘murdered’ in proximity to the name of someone close to me”.
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Tags: Advocacy, Teens, Family, Young Adults, Federation
We recognize this year's Creative Arts Contest Winners, whose essays and works of art commemorate the Holocaust and heroism. Students' works portray this year's theme, "Out of the Darkness: Into a New Life."
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Tags: Interfaith, Young Adults, Family, Education, Federation, PR
Ariella Payne of Lakewood found jHUB’s Seder in a Box so helpful last year, she requested More Seder in a Box for Passover this year.
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Tags: Food, Holidays, Passover, Women, Teens, Family, Young Adults, Federation
I had the pleasure of spending my junior year of college at Hebrew University in Jerusalem. One of the perks of that year was meeting and growing close with my cousin Ziva, who happened to work at Hadassah Hospital across the street from my dorm. We spent a lot of time together and she invited me to spend many Shabbatot and holidays with her family. In addition to being hilariously funny, warm and nurturing, Ziva had another talent, as well: She was, and remains, an amazing cook. I am excited to share one of her recipes with you below, which I hope will make your preparations for Passover a bit easier.
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Tags: Federation, Blog, Young Adults, Leadership, Women
This past week I had the honor of traveling with 70 members of The Jewish Federations of North America's (JFNA) National Young Leadership Cabinet on a mission to Berlin and Israel. Together we learned about the past, present and plans for the future of their local Jewish communities and also saw first-hand where our Federation dollars go.href="http://www.jewishcleveland.org/news/blog/inspiring_stories_kick_off_JFNA_GA/">General Assembly.
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Tags: Young Adults, Federation
My name is Danielle and I am a Shlicha, which means Israeli emissary in Hebrew. It’s my job to bring Israeli life and culture to Jewish Cleveland. And, this time of the year I want to bring you something very special.
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Tags: Young Adults, Awards
“I shall pass through this world but once. Any kindness that I can show…let me do it now.”
This was a motto that Roslyn Z. Wolf, wife of Ambassador Milton A. Wolf, lived by. Together, the family lived a life of generosity and philanthropic good.
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Tags: Federation, Young Adults, PR
CLEVELAND – The Jewish Federation of Cleveland announces that Michelle Hirsch of Chagrin Falls has been selected to serve as the 2016-2017 Co-Chair Designate of the Jewish Federations of North America’s (JFNA) National Young Leadership Cabinet (NYLC). Hirsch will begin her two-year term in June, alongside Jeff Rum of Washington, D.C. As co-chairs, they will represent Jewish Federation young leadership across North America, which includes 151 Jewish Federations in the United States and Canada.
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Tags: Young Adults, Overseas, Leadership
I grew up in Tomsk, Siberia (formerly part of the Soviet Union). Unlike Cleveland, Tomsk has a very small Jewish community with just one synagogue. Many of the Jews who live here don’t call themselves Jews. Some are scared to reveal this because it brings back memories of anti-Semitism. For others like my parents, it doesn’t mean much because they were raised under the Soviet Union where religion was outlawed. To them, their Jewish identity is not important.
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Tags: Federation, Young Adults, PR
Erica G. Starrfield of Pepper Pike has been awarded the 2015 Bennett and Donna Yanowitz Leadership Award by the Jewish Federation of Cleveland. The award recognizes and honors an outstanding young individual who has demonstrated commitment, involvement, and leadership within Cleveland’s Jewish community. Starrfield was presented the award at the Federation’s Board meeting on February 29.
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