
The Annual Lion of Judah Dinner celebrated the power of one and the strength of all of us. It was a night to remember! "Love opens the most closed minds. It is a power stronger than any army," shared featured speaker Jeannie Smith, whose mother was a Holocaust rescuer. "When you give out of love, regardless of race or religion, you get so much more back." Mazel Tov to Sally H. Wertheim, recipient of the prestigious Ruby Bass Award, and Donna Yanowitz, recipient of the International Lion of Judah Kipnis-Wilson/Friedland Award. And, thank you to Gail Norry, Immediate Past Chair of National Women's Philanthropy for speaking with us. A special thank you to all of the speakers and chairs. Each of you are an inspiration! Because of you, personal and powerful stories can be told. You are making this world, our world, a better place. We are stronger together!